The Researcher


2013-2014     CAS Music Research, Lucerne School of Music, with Olivier Senn & Marc-Antoine Camp

2013-2014     Research Assistant, Forschungsschwerpunkt Performance, Lucerne School of Music  

2014-2024     Research Associate at the Competence Center Music Performance Research, Lucerne School of Music

since 2024 Lecturer in Research, Lucerne School of Music

since 2019     PhD Student, University of Birmingham, with Maria Witek & Ben Curry

Research Interests

Groove, Catchiness, Rhythm, Music Perception, Musical Complexity, Perceptual Attack Time, Jazz, Harmony, Popular Music


Journal Articles

Bechtold, T. A., Curry, B., & Witek, M. (2024). The perceived catchiness of music affects the experience of groove. PLOS ONE, 19(5), e0303309.

Stupacher, J., Bechtold, T., & Senn, O. (2023). A text mining approach to the use of “groove” in everyday language. Psychology of Music, 0(0).

Senn, O., Hoesl, F., Jerjen, R., Bechtold, T. A., Kilchenmann, L., Rose, D., & Alessandri, E. (2023). A Stimulus Set of 40 Popular Music Drum Patterns with Perceived Complexity Measures. Music & Science, 6.

Senn, O., Bechtold, T. A., Jerjen, R., Kilchenmann, L., & Hoesl, F. (2023). Three Psychometric Scales for Groove Research: Inner Representation of Temporal Regularity, Time-Related Interest, and Energetic Arousal. Music & Science, 6.

Bechtold, T. A., Kilchenmann, L., Curry, B., & Witek, M. A. G. (2023). Understanding the Relationship Between Catchiness and Groove: A Qualitative Study with Popular Music Creators. Music Perception, 40 (5): 353–372. doi:

Senn, O., Bechtold, T., Hoesl, F., Jerjen, R., Kilchenmann, L., Rose, D., Baldassarre, A., Sigrist, C., & Alessandri, E. (2023). An SEM approach to validating the psychological model of musical groove. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance.

Bechtold, T., Jerjen, R., & Senn, O. (2022). Applied Groove Research. The IASJ Journal of Applied Jazz Research; 1 (1).

Hosken, F., Bechtold, T., Hoesl, F., Kilchenmann, L., & Senn, O. (2021). Drum Groove Corpora. Empirical Musicology Review, 16(1), 114–123.

Düvel, N., Labonde, P., Bechtold, T., Senn, O., & Kopiez, R. (2021). Experience of Groove Questionnaire: German Translation and Validation. Music Perception, 39 (1): 83–99. doi:

Senn, O., Bechtold, T., Rose, D., Câmara, G. S., Düvel, N., Jerjen, R., Kilchenmann, L., Hoesl, F., Baldassarre, A., & Alessandri, E. (2020). Experience of Groove Questionnaire: Instrument Development and Initial Validation. Music Perception, 38(1), 46–65.

Senn, O., Rose D., Bechtold, T., Kilchenmann, L., Hoesl, F., Jerjen, R., Baldassarre, A., Alessandri, E., (2019). Preliminaries to a Psychological Model of Musical Groove. Frontiers in Psychology, doi:

Senn, O., Bechtold, T. A., Hoesl, F., & Kilchenmann, L. (2019). Taste and familiarity affect the experience of groove in popular music. Musicae Scientiae, 00(0), 1–22.

Senn, O., Kilchenmann, L., Bechtold, T. A., & Hoesl, F. (2018). Groove in drum patterns as a function of both rhythmic properties and listeners' attitudes. PLoS ONE, 13(6), 1-33. doi:

Bechtold, T. A., & Senn, O. (2018). Articulation and dynamics influence the perceptual attack time of saxophone sounds. Frontiers in Psychology, doi:


Kilchenmann, Lorenz; Bechtold, Toni Amadeus & Jerjen, Rafael (2022). Wie populär sind die «besten Alben aller Zeiten»? Eine empirische Betrachtung zur Kanonbildung in der Popmusik. In Knut Holtsträter (Hrsg.), Richtig populär? Kriterien der Popularität von Musik (Vol.67, S. 61-78). Münster: Waxmann.

Bechtold, Toni Amadeus & Senn, Olivier (2016). Jungle Beats: Beobachtungen und Gedanken zur Musik von Irène Schweizer. In Christian Broecking (Hrsg.), Dieses unbändige Gefühl der Freiheit: Irène Schweizer - Jazz, Avantgarde, Politik (S. 385-404). Berlin: Broecking Verlag

Presentations & Posters (selection)

Bechtold, T., Kilchenmann, L., Jerjen, R., Hoesl, F., & Senn, O. (2024). The sound(s) of groove: Genre-specific polyphonic timbre and the urge to move. ESCOM 12, York.

Bechtold, T., & Witek, M. (2024). Rhythm Section Algebra: Groovy Drums + Catchy Keyboards = ?. ESCOM 12, York.

Bechtold, T., Kilchenmann, L., & Witek, M. (2023). A Driving Beat with a Captivating Melody on Top – The Relationship between Groove and Catchiness in Polyphonic Popular Music. SysMus'23, Sheffield.

Bechtold, T., Jerjen, R., Hoesl, F., Kilchenmann, L., & Senn, O. (2023). Extending the Lucerne Groove Library. RPPW19, Nottingham.

Bechtold, T., & Witek, M. (2022). The Relationship between Groove and Catchiness in Popular Music Patterns. SysMus’22, Ghent.

Bechtold, Toni Amadeus (2021). Jazz-related research at HSLU. 2021 IASJ Research Conference, Leiden.

Bechtold, Toni Amadeus & Witek, Maria (2021). Groove and catchiness in popular music: an interview study with music experts. ICMPC-ESCOM 2021, Sheffield.

Bechtold, Toni Amadeus & Witek, Maria (2021). That’s a Different Type of Groove: How musician’s strategies change groove experiences. Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop (RPPW) 2021, Oslo.

Bechtold, Toni Amadeus; Hoesl, Florian & Senn, Olivier (2019). On the perception of rhythmic complexity by musical experts and non-experts. IMS 2019: Intercongressional Symposium, Luzern.

Kilchenmann, Lorenz; Bechtold, Toni Amadeus; Hoesl, Florian & Jerjen, Rafael (2019). Sample Selection in Corpus-Based Research and the Canonization of Popular Music. IMS 2019: Intercongressional Symposium, Luzern.

Kilchenmann, Lorenz; Bechtold, Toni Amadeus; Hoesl, Florian & Senn, Olivier (2018). Categorizing Western popular music drum patterns. ICMPC15-ESCOM10, Graz.

Bechtold, Toni Amadeus & Senn, Olivier (2017). The influence of articulation and dynamics on the perceptual attack time of saxophone tones. International Symposium on Performance Science 2017, Reykjavik.

Kilchenmann, Lorenz; Bechtold, Toni Amadeus; Hoesl, Florian & Senn, Olivier (2017). The Lucerne Groove Research Library: A collection of materials for groove studies. International Symposium on Performance Science 2017, Reykjavik.

Other work

Co-organizer of the first Groove Workshop, an international conference on Jan 25th-27th 2023.

Member of the ethics commission at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts since 2024.

Project lead for "Jazz Helvetica."

Reviewer for Music Perception, Nature, Plos ONE, Psychomusicology, Acta Psychologica.